Saturday, November 1, 2014

Why Me?

Alright, so you're here to listen to me blab on and give you life advice. With all of this life-changing advice I am giving, you must wonder why you should even trust me. Questions like, "What makes you so average?" or "Such a good looking man cannot be so average." Well, let me give you some info about myself to help strengthen my credibility.

My Looks
My looks are nothing special. I mean, I can look good sometimes, but I look pretty okay most of the time. I look dead average. If you walked by me on the street, you would probably just keep walking. Nothing special. 

You can see, from the background picture, that I have facial hair. From the outside, it looks like I'm a manly man who tries to look good by rocking a beard. That's not true. The beard is mostly due to laziness. I could shave, but that requires me buying $30 razors, walking all the way to the bathroom, putting on shaving cream and focusing on not cutting myself. That's just a lot of work. I prefer to just let it grow. It just happens, out of pure luck, that the beard looks somewhat good.

Also, my hair. it looks kind of edgy and out of the norm. You would think that I planned it out and I picked out the best haircut that accents my facial structure. Well that's not true either. My hair style originated form me sitting in the cheapest barber in New York City and just telling him to do whatever would look best. And hey, it seemed to turn out okay.

My Smart-ness
See, I don't even know if that's a word, but it sound cool so I'll stick with it. My grades and knowledge level are impressively average. In High School, I ranked 33rd out of a class around 65. It seems like I had to have tried to be that average. Also, I was exactly .02 grade points away from being on National Honor Society. Being in the society would mean I'm smart, but I'm actually juuuust a smidge below smart. Pretty smart.

My Love Life
I'm pretty decent with the ladies. I get friend zoned by most, but when I don't, I always seem to mess it up. In my life, I've had one real girlfriend. That's not a bad thing, or a good thing. It's an okay thing. This shows that I can have some success with the females. Its quite the skill.

That was a brief overview of my credentials. It wasn't much, but it was a glimpse into my daily life. Want to learn more? Perfect! Keep reading my posts and learn a little more about my struggles and how I can help you become to okay man that I know you can be!

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